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Hope in ASOPROAJ’s Organizational Strengthening: A Path to Sustainability

“The hope in the organizational strengthening of ASOPROAJ lies not only in its plans and strategies, but in its ability to empower Xinca communities”

The Association of Agroecological Promoters of Jalapa (ASOPROAJ), an indigenous organization of the Xinca people in Guatemala, represents a light of hope in the country's Dry Corridor, especially in the municipality of San Carlos Alzatate. Since its legal constitution in 2022, ASOPROAJ has grown to 80 promoters between men and women distributed throughout the region, there are currently 15 active members in leadership positions.  

Through agroecology, ASOPROAJ is not only transforming the reality of its community, but it is also setting a precedent for other communities in Guatemala and beyond. Her work is a testament to the power of community collaboration and indigenous resilience in the face of contemporary challenges. Since their inception, they have worked to achieve common objectives such as the fight against malnutrition and advocacy for favorable public policies, the reduction of the use of agrochemicals, the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and the defense of the territory, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are addressed in decision-making.

However, ASOPROAJ faces these challenges with determination and a clear strategic vision. The organization has developed an institutional strategic plan that will allow them to work more efficiently and effectively, focusing on several fundamental axes such as strengthening their administrative capacities, environmental management and the sustainable economy.

Participatory construction of the strategic plan 2024-2028

By improving, ASOPROAJ can ensure that its efforts have a lasting and sustainable impact on the community. Likewise, environmental management is an essential pillar of its strategic plan with the promotion of practices that protect and improve the environment, being vital to guarantee the sustainability of its agroecological activities and to combat the adverse effects of climate change in its region. And that the sustainable economy will strategically help them reduce dependence on industrial agrochemicals, promoting healthier and more sustainable alternatives that not only improve soil and human health, but also strengthen the local economy in the long term.      

By taking up the principles of strategic planning, ASOPROAJ is positioned to generate an orderly and systematic workspace.     

In short, the Association of Agroecological Promoters of Jalapa is a beacon of hope and an inspiring example of how a united community can create a more just, sustainable, and healthy future for all.

“The hope in the organizational strengthening of ASOPROAJ lies not only in its plans and strategies, but in its ability to empower Xinca communities, promoting equitable sustainable development and a dignified life.”