When you elect to become a monthly donor with Trees, Water & People, you are making an important commitment to the communities we serve and to the environment. This easy and efficient way of giving provides Trees, Water & People with a reliable income stream, allowing us to focus more on helping communities protect, conserve, and manage their precious natural resources.
For every new monthly donor we plant a tree. For your continued support, on your second anniversary we will gift a clean cook stove to a family in need. On year five we will gift a water cistern which allows a community to collect water rather than draw from distant springs. Then for 10 years of support we will provide a scholarship for a child to attend a SWET Workshop. SWET workshops empower, educate and strengthen Tribal youth through a social/emotional learning model.
More Benefits
10% discount on TWP tours where you can visit our projects
in Central America or on US Tribal Lands.
10% off TWP gear in our shop.
Exclusive content in our quarterly Evergreen Circle email newsletter.
Why give monthly?
When you become a member of the Evergreen Circle you are making a lasting commitment to our work.
It's affordable
By giving monthly, you choose an amount that makes sense for you.
Save time
Save time with an easy automatic credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer monthly donation.
Less paper
Receive less mail from us which reduces your carbon footprint (and ours!).
Ready to join?
It's easy! Just click here.
For questions please call (970) 484-3678 or email, Rachel Greenlee, at: rachel@treeswaterpeople.org